August 18th, 2022

Open Letter to National Corporate Stakeholders

Dear Corporate Leaders and Colleagues:

Re:   Kids Strong and Free and the Launching of our National Recycling Program Initiative

Our goal at the Kids Strong and Free foundation is to increase our national recycling rate to 90% by 2030. We cannot do it alone and that is why we are launching a national campaign to provide the facts, educational programs, Podcasts, documentaries, newsletters, tools and support to stakeholders across the country.

Our first major outreach will be at the Jasper Recycling Conference , October 2022. In conjunction with this launch, we will be disseminating information to leaders from approximately 5,300 municipalities to be shared with their respective local families, teachers, community groups, business and consumers. With each new partnership comes an opportunity to share information to help us collectively reach a goal our nation so desperately needs.

For the past 70 years Canadians have lived under the false sense of security that the 3-R’s Reduce-Re-Use and Recycle would help us deal responsibly with our waste. Unfortunately, since the economic boom of the 50’s and the rise of the “single use society,” we have become complacent. Most people would be shocked, or worse content, to learn that Canada is the largest per capita waste producer in the world. Our landfills receive 1.4 billion metric tons of waste annually and our recycle rate is approximately 16%. This is not a sustainable process and it is exactly why Kids Strong and Free, along with numerous supporting partners, are taking positive steps to reverse the cycle.

We are encouraged by the enthusiasm of so many companies who have not only taken on the ” Zero Waste” initiative, but who have found creative ways turn waste in opportunity. Take our new road pavers that are now shredding plastics (80,000 bottles per metric ton of asphalt) to improve tomorrow. Pepsi, who recently committed to 100% recycled plastic beverage bottles, Telus who committed to 100% renewable energy by 2025 and zero waste by 2030, and several toy manufacturers like Hasbro, Fisher Price, Mattel replacing classic toys with sugarcane-based plastics. The textile industries are turning into a 360 economy making fabrics from paper and plastic that is then taken back after it’s retired use only to be used again. Numerous efforts are being made and we thank all companies for doing their part.

Our appeal today on behalf our children, grandchildren and all children is that you review ways within your organizations to make these positive changes necessary. We will continue to highlight the success stories along the way as we head toward our goal. Please join us and keep us apprised of your success so we can share it with the nation – “Our Planet To Protect”.




Bob Winterford, Founder

Kids Strong and Free™