Kids Strong and Free, a non-profit foundation established in 2009 has recently announced the “Our Planet To Protect” project: A project to reduce waste by increasing recycling.

This is a full national campaign distributed to every community across Canada, and will be implemented by increasing recycling through education, information and innovation. The campaign will be commencing during National Waste Management Week, October 17-23rd 2022.


Children can make the difference in their tomorrow!
Our collective goal will be to increase recycling to 90% by 2030.

We will be sharing a full comprehensive and fun program for every child to engage in and we welcome your support in our initiative meant for the wellness of every child. Thank you!



WHEN: Launch date is the week of WASTE REDUCTION WEEK IN CANADA, Oct 17-23, 2022.

WHERE: Launch nationally from coast to coast and in every corner of our society, homes, schools, community groups and clubs, municipal governments, business and in the minds of all Canadians.

HOW:  Through programs and directives provided through Kids Strong + Free children across Canada will be challenging communities and each of us to act responsibly when it comes to waste reduction and Their Future. Daily online information, reports and best partner practices will be available.

Success stories, new innovations and ideas will be shared regularly along with product information provided by Terracycle Good Home and Earth 911.

A game changer to help us reach our objectives will be High Schools, Colleges and Universities who take on one piece of the problem, turn it into a positive safe product, removing waste from our landfills and creating innovative business. These new products will become part of our 360 economy model and the lastest industrial revolution. Here they will turn waste into economic viability building a positive and prosperous future for the next generation.

WHY?  It’s…OUR PLANET TO PROTECT and our Children’s Future to Preserve.

From Nunavut to Newfoundland from Victoria to Val-des-Monts children everywhere will be  carrying our symbol reminding everyone of their responsibility.

 Urgency not complacency:  Municipalities across Canada were sent a resource kit for Waste Reduction Week in Canada several months ago.  Kindly survey how many of them have provided instructions or have a plan for their community. 

Kids Strong and Free(TM) announced our upcoming launch to “Recycle 90% by 2030”. Our launch is to coincide with National Waste Reduction Week which runs October 17th-23rd. This program, to be implemented by municipalities, provides information and instruction to help us all become more responsible in waste reduction.  Whether at school, at home, at work or in our communities, the problem is ours to solve. Our kids are depending on all of us to make a positive difference and their future depends on us doing our part. 

It’s “Our Planet To Protect”.

Kids across Canada will be challenging their communities to step up.

Like 12 year old Rhylan, from Antogonish, Nova Scotia who shares, “If everyone does their part and recycles, our future will be sooo much better. With help there is hope.” Or 10 year old Samatha, from Duncan,  BC. “You can make a ton of difference; reduce waste today.” And 8 year old Ryker from Stony Plain, Alberta who says, “Just do it!” (we gave him a check mark for that)

Go online to Waste Reduction Week in Canada and find ways you can make positive differences. Our kids are counting on us! 

It’s “Our Planet to Protect”.

For more information on our programs and resources browse the covers below and stay tuned for our 365 day/year, 8 year long Information Program to help reach our goal.